
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chewing the fat... or not

We eat a lot of pasta dishes and meals where you add meat to the mix in the final stages. A few months ago my partner asked "Why do you always pick the meat out?"

I guess I had realised I was doing it, but it had just became habit. It may be because we eat a lot of the same meats, and even the texture of these meats has become unappealing. I am very inspired by Evealyn's Meaty (less) blog, I like the idea of eating more fresh fruit and veges. Now I just need recipes, and to learn how to make delicious vege meals.

Evealyn, I look forward to your posts...a very interesting read!


Evealyn said...

Hi Traci! How interesting that you have been doing this without even really noticing...I think it's easy to fall into a trap of planning your meals around meat (I know I do) and from there things can get a bit boring. That is a big part of why I am having a meat sabbatical. I'm hoping that a month without it will force me to cook more adventurous things. Today (day 1) I made black bean chilli which I ate with nacho chips, guacamole and salsa. It was so good! Good to the point that it made me wonder what I ever saw in meat nachos. Link to recipe:

Evealyn said...

PS: The more I try to make my blog semi-presentable the more I am in awe of what you do xx