
Sunday, November 21, 2010

How I Met Your... MARSHALL!

Wow, ok so it rained yesterday... and what better excuse to stay inside and watch the second season of How I Met Your Mother! And then I found.... A How I Met Your Mother drinking game:

One Drink

Anyone says "Awesome!"

Robin says "literally"

Barney says "legendary"

Barney uses a pickup line

Barney says "Suit up"

Barney says, "Classic"

Lily talks about or is around her kindergartners

Two Drinks

Anyone says "Have you met..." (Ted, Barney, Me, etc.)

Barney does magic

Barney makes someone do a high five or fist bump

Barney says "Ha, please."

Barney says "daddy's home"

Marshall says "Lawyered!"

Ted does a voiceover

There is a flashback

Any mention of the Fiero

Marshall sings about anything (except what he's doing)

Someone says "I'll allow it."

Three Drinks

Barney says "...---wait for it---..."

Barney says "What up?"

Barney mentions his blog

Marshall sings about what he's doing

Ted corrects somebody

Robin mentions something Canadian

Barney calls himself Ted's best friend

Any time a cab/limo driver is called by name

Barney asks for a prop to complete a gimmick

Finish Your Drink

Ted says "How I Met Your Mother"

Barney rips on Canada

Any mention of a slap bet

Telepathic Conversation

Robin produces a gun

Ted makes a Star Wars reference

Marshall plays an instrument to accompany his singing

Barney falls down

Find the full list here.

Image taken from google images.


Tonya said...

We have to play this when you are back...

Traci said...

I can't wait! it's going to be LEGEND - wait for it - ARY!

Krystal Lee said...

ha ha im watching how i met you mother right now, as i came across your post! very funny :)

ps loving your blog (as always x)